Does It Take Long To Build A Cedar Strip Kayak?

Cedar Strip Canoe Solo

With their fluid shapes, boats, in general, look delightful. A boat is a source of beauty, especially if it is hand-built and made of wood, because – isn't that true! – nothing beats the authentic aspect of natural materials! 

A boat is a pretentious and special thing, so many people think that building a kayak on their own is simply too difficult for them. It is true that such a project is resources and time-consuming, but the work itself is not that difficult, compared to other forms of boat building. This means that even a first-time kayak crafter will be able to build a pretty great boat, with just some modest skills.

A cedar-strip kayak is a sandwich construction. Think about wood as the filling, and fiberglass as the bread. Considering that fiberglass covers all the gaps, it is not necessary for the wooden strips to be fitted exactly, which is very convenient for a novice builder.

Nevertheless, the construction process of a solo cedar strip canoe will take some time and there are steps that you cannot skip (for example, allowing the resin to harden properly before moving to the next operation). An experienced builder will need about 100-200 hours of work, but a beginner will likely need double and maybe more. However, those who take their time and create something ass beautiful ass a cedar strip kayak will find it a very rewarding experience.


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