Canoeing Techniques for Beginners

wood canoe techniques beginners

Canoeing is an excellent sport that any beginner can learn. It is relatively simple to start and you will only need a few hours to be able row freely!

Choose the right boat

There are plenty of types of kayaking boats, from the long and narrow racing boats, to the smallest of freestyle boats. For most of the beginners a shorter custom wood canoe will provide better control and maneuverability. And it makes a lot of sense: the longer the boat is, the more water you have to dislodge to e able to move, which will require more rowing force.

Always wear a buoyancy accessory

Any kayak guide for beginners will teach you this. Buoyancy accessories are similar to life jackets, but allow you a longer range of movement around your arms and neck, which ensures the mobility you need for rowing.

Dress appropriately for the water, not for the weather outside

If it is hot outside, you may be tempted to wear shorts and t-shirt. However, you will have to take into account that even if it is 40 degrees in the air, the water may be cold. If you happen to fall into the water – which is very likely – then you will be glad that you are wearing a diving suit, kayaking gloves and a waterproof hood, instead of summer clothes.




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