Why a Handmade Canoe Is the Best Canoe to Have

Although a lot of canoes these days are built through an automated process from materials like kevlar or fiberglass, there is still a thriving market for unique handmade canoes that are typically made from wood, composite material or layers of wood and fiberglass.


The design of a handmade canoe is uniquely selected and crafted by hand to ensure maximum resilience. This is especially true in the case of cedar strip canoes which use a combination of durable cedar and fiberglass components to blast through even the strongest torrents without being damaged.


Handmade canoes can also be custom made. That means, if you have a specific body type, or a specific way in which you like to paddle, your canoe can be made to complement your skills, style and body type with great precision. There is no limit in the uniqueness of the canoe itself when it’s built from scratch by someone who has a lot of experience with woodworking and with building handmade cedar canoes.


Finally, there is also a lot of room for customization and improvement when it comes to the aesthetics of handmade canoes. Even your most common handmade cedar strip canoe looks amazing and can feature unique and artistic designs. Some of the best designs will look like true works of art that you can show off while stably paddling your way down a slow river or calmly moving along the shore of a beautiful lake.


What Makes a Cedar Strip Canoe Sturdy?


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