The Artistic Qualities of a Genuine Handmade Cedar Strip Canoe
There is often something special about an item that’s been hand crafted and made with attention to detail, care, knowledge and love like those of J-Stroke Handcrafts. These “ingredients” simply cannot be reproduced in a factory, and the results show in full view once you compare, for example, a gorgeous handmade cedar canoe with an expensive fiberglass one fresh off the assembly line.
Handmade cedar strip canoes have been around for a long time, and the craft has been passed down through the generations. While it was more in use in the past, some craftspeople still work hard to master this line of work, and their results are exceptional, to say the least.
Cedar canoes are designed and built by hand, though they are also made with modern tools that can offer remarkable precision. Just because a canoe isn’t built by a robot in a factory doesn’t mean that it’s sloppy. On the contrary, the practical advantages of a handmade canoe is that it can be made to be better balanced and the design can be customized for specific uses and specific people.
The craft itself is a fine art, but the canoes also look very artistic and appealing. The sky is the limit on customization, and many of those who build these boats make it their mission to leave their mark on the design, whether it features Native American motifs, narrow, streamlined structures, unique leaf-like shapes or vibrant, bright colors.