Canoeing Techniques Beginners Can Learn

Wooden canoe for sale custom built

Whether you just want to relax on the water, or you’re looking to go fast, slim down and get in shape, buying a wooden canoe for sale is certainly a great idea. Unfortunately, there’s also a learning curve when it comes to figuring out how to use your canoe efficiently and safely. Nobody is born knowing how to paddle, but the good news is you can definitely learn by covering some of the basic canoeing techniques that beginners have to learn.


One of the many challenges that beginning canoeists face is to keep the boat going in a straight line. While paddling, you might find yourself going in one direction or another and unable to keep the boat straight. To avoid that and learn the basics more easily in the process, your best bet is to try tandem canoeing with a friend (preferably a more experienced one). That will allow you to safely learn some of the most important beginning moves and techniques that you’ll be using for a long time to come.


Other important moves you can work on learning include  basic strokes that you can practice with a partner at first. Once you start to master them, you can also work on refining your skills on your own. These techniques involve practicing keeping your arms straight and using proper torso rotation, using the paddles to draw the water towards you, and working on basic movements that will allow you to steer your canoe while moving at a slower pace.


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