How Are Cedar Strip Kayaks Generally Steered?

J-Stroke Handcrafts Canoe Paddles Steering Control

Because of the differences between kayaks and canoes, the way in which both types of boats are steered will differ greatly. Canoes are more or less easier to steer because they are designed to work well for both fast and slow movement. The same can not be said about kayaks, however, which are typically designed to be more narrow and streamlined, so the steering process will be a little different.


To keep even the most well-designed cedar strip kayak from places such as J-Stroke Handcrafts stable, you have to keep the balance in an active manner. That means you have to keep moving slightly, just as you would when you ride a bicycle. Speed also makes steering more of a problem, which is why most kayaks are known to be somewhat more challenging compared to canoes.


The technique, however, is easy to learn in most cases. To stay in balance, you have to learn to balance your upper body in the best way possible. That action will train your core and offer a good workout, but it can also be challenging and tiring in the beginning.


For two people steering a tandem kayak, the process can be even more difficult. Usually the paddler that sits in the back will be assigned the task of keeping the kayak on course, while the one in front will be focused more on the actual paddling. Tandem kayaking is especially challenging when you try to steer your kayak through tall grass or narrow canals, which is why such an activity will not be recommended for beginners.


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